Maison Anglais

Maison Anglais




Resources, link images and more

General link images

Maison Anglais Save this picture as 'manglais.gif', then use the following code:-

<a href=""><img src="manglais.gif" alt="Maison Anglais" border="0"></a>

Maul Publisher images

You can either copy the images, or use the image link provided

Maul Publisher icon 40x40
Maul Publisher icon 32x32
Maul Publisher icon, image source:-

<img src="" border="0" />
<img src="" border="0" />
not shown>
Maul Publisher screenshot large, image source:-

<img src="" border="0" />
not shown>
Maul Publisher screenshot small, image source:-

<img src="" border="0" />
Maul Publisher screenshot tiny Maul Publisher screenshot tiny, image source:-

<img src="" border="0" />
Maul Publisher logo Maul Publisher logo, image source:-

<img src="" border="0" />
Maul Publisher promo Maul Publisher promo, image source:-

<img src="" border="0" />

Maul Publisher promotional documents and other information

Here is also a preview page free of headers which is suitable for including in other web pages. It contains screenshots and describes what Maul Publisher can do.

Detailed preview Detailed preview (for embedding) Click here to visit the forum FAQ's and Support
Detailed preview Detailed preview (for embedding) Forum FAQ's and Support


Maul Publisher default preview page:
<a href="">Detailed preview</a>

The preview text without a header can be embedded in any site using PHP for example:
<?php include(""); ?>

Here a link to the Forum:
<a href="">Forum</a>

And finally, a link to Maul Publisher's FAQ page:
<a href="">FAQ's and Support</a>