1st May 2020
This list was established in 2004. You may find that some of these sites have closed or changed. Please report such changes, so that this page can be corrected.
Plase note that purchases made on this site are processed by bmtmicro.com.
Berggreen Service
Software Sales & Distribution Lodsgaarden A 111 - DK-2791 Dragoer - Denmark Tlf: (+45) 3253-7654 - Fax: (+45) 3294-7654 VAT# DK19954153 info@berggreen.dk sales@berggreen.dk support@berggreen.dk http://www.berggreen.dk (Covering: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Austria, Germany, and Poland)
Hardware, Software, Service Friedhofstrasse 77, 66386 St. Ingbert, Germany tel: +49 (0) 68 94/88 88 03 fax: +49 (0) 68 94/88 88 04 Mobiltelefon +49 (0) 1 72/68 58 238 info@ap-com.de http://www.ap-com.de
blue.point Solutions
Hudeckova 1, 40501 Decin 1, Czech Republic http://www.blue-point.cz eshop: http://www.nakupujte.com email: info@blue-point.cz
IfThenElse - Informatica, Sistemas & Servicos, Unip. Lda.
Lg. Prof. Eduardo Coelho, 6 2795-075 Linda-a-Velha PORTUGAL Sales: Joao Galvao - (351) - 96 470 31 13 comercial@ite.pt Support: suporte@ite.pt Other Contacts: http://www.ite.pt/empresa/index.html Web Page: http://www.ite.pt Online Store: http://www.ite.pt/loja
BMT Micro, Inc.
PO Box 15016 Wilmington, NC 28408 USA 800-414-4268 (Voice - USA/Canada) 800-346-1672 (Fax - USA/Canada) 910-791-7052 (Voice) 910-350-2937 (Fax) bmt@bmtmicro.com(Inquires, general info) orders@bmtmicro.com(orders) bmtmicro (America Online) 74031,307 (CompuServe) bmtmicro (Microsoft Network) HNGP66D (Prodigy) http://www.bmtmicro.com ftp://ftp.bmtmicro.com/bmtmicro
A list of BMT Micro resellers follows:
The Scandinavian OS/2 Shareware Registration Service Berggreen Service Lodsgaarden A 111 DK 2791 Dragoer Denmark Tel: +45 3253 7654 Fax: +45 3294 7654 info@berggreen.dk sales@berggreen.dk support@berggreen.dk http://www.berggreen.dk (Covering all of Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Austria and Germany) SBT Australia Pty. Ltd. SBT House 44-46 Chippen st. Chippendale, NSW 2008 Australia tony@sbt.net.au +61 2 9310-1144 (Voice) +61 3 9310-1118 (Fax) http://www.sbt.net.au Franklin Information Management aka BMT Micro Australasia PO Box 980 Artarmon, NSW 2064 Australia bmtaust@frankson.aus.net +61-(02) 9402-5006 (Voice) +61-(02) 9402-5007 (Fax) Mensys Postbus 674 2100 AR Heemstede The Netherlands 00-31-23 548 2020 (Voice) 00-31-23 548 2030 (Fax) info@mensys.nl http://www.mensys.nl CompuSaar GmbH Saarbrcker Str. 1-3 66386 St. Ingbert phone: +49 6894 38 797 12 fax: +49 6894 38 797 79 lizenzen@compusaar.de http://www.compusaar.de Ososoft Via Prospero Fontana 16-40135 Bologna Italy 39-51-6151233 (Voice) 39-51-6149753 (Fax) staff@ososoft.com http://www.ososoft.com TooSoft HB Box 4052 183 04 Taby Sweden 46-(0)8 732-3522 (Voice/Fax) toosoft@toosoft.se http://www.toosoft.se